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英语绘本故事|South Korea









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What are some important things to know about South Korea?关于韩国,有那些重要的事情需要认识Where Is It?The official name of South Korea is the Republic of Korea. This country in East Asia is slightly smaller than the country of Iceland. South Korea is located on the southern part of the Korean peninsula.Its closest neighbor is North Korea, which is on the northern part of the peninsula. South Korea has water on three sides.The Sea of Japan, called the East Sea by the people in the region, lies to the east and the Yellow Sea to the west. The East China Sea is located directly south.With more than nine million people , South Koreas capital city of seoul is the countrys largest city . Its one of the largest cities in the entire world . Seoul is located on the Han River in the northwestern part of the country .Seoul is a modern center of trade and business . Its also an important historic landmark . The downtown area is enclosed by walls built more than six hundred years ago . It contains centuries-old palaces and royal gardens.它在哪里?韩国的官方名叫作是大韩民国。这个东亚国家比冰岛稍微小有些。韩国位置于朝鲜半岛南部。它近期的邻国是位置于朝鲜半岛北部的朝鲜。韩国三面有水。日本海,该地区人民叫作之为东海,东临黄海,西临黄海。东海位置于南部。韩国首都首尔有900多万人口,是韩国最大的城市。它是全世界最大的城市之一。首尔位置于韩国西北部的汉江边。首尔是一个现代化的贸易和商场中心。它是一个重要的历史地标。市中心被600数年前建造的城墙包裹着。它包括有数百年历史的宫殿和皇家花园。A Respectful PeopleAmong many South Koreans , showing respect for elders is important . People are expected to stand when an older person enters the room . If shaking hands , the younger person is supposed to wait for the elder to offer a hand.People More than forty-nine million people live in South Korea . Aside from a small number of Chinese and Southeast Asians , most South Koreans speak the same language-korean.South Koreans work in many different types of jobs . Many people work in manufacturing ,making cars ships.and other things to sell to other countries, South Korea also has many jobs in computers and related field.Family is extremely important in Korean society . Sometimes several generations live together in a single household . Many South Koreans respect their older family members by keeping detailed records of their histories.They also show respect on holidays with pecial food and ceremonies .Most Koreans see education as the key to success . Children are often excused from chores so they can study . Many sources agree that Korean students are among the best readers in the world.一个受人尊敬的人对许多韩国人来讲,尊重长辈很重要。当老年人进入房间时,人们应该站着。倘若握手,青年人应该等待老年人伸出援手。人口韩国有四千九百多万人。除了少许中国人和东南亚人外,大都数韩国人说的是同一种语言——韩语。韩国人从事许多区别类型的工作。许多人从事制造业、制造汽车和其他能够销往其他国家的工作,韩国在计算机和关联行业非常多工作。家庭在韩国社会中极其重要。有时几代人住在一个家庭里。许多韩国人经过仔细记录自己的历史来尊重年长的家庭成员。她们还在节日里用特殊的食品和仪式来暗示尊重。大都数韩国人认为教育是成功的关键。孩儿们经常不消做家务,这般她们能够学习了。许多信息源自一致认为,韩国学生是世界上最好的读者之一。LandHills and mountains cover most of South Korea . Only a small part of the land is flat enough for farming . The Taebaek ( Te-bek )Mountains run along the eastern coast . Several other mountain ranges branch off , running roughly east-west.Most of the mountains are less than 1 219 meters ( 4 , 000 ft ) tall . The highest peak is Mount Halla , a volcano , at 1,950 meters ( 6 , 398 ft )South Koreas eastern coastline is fairly straight .However . the rest of its coast is broken up rivers and streams.They form countless waterways and feature more than 3500 small islands.Streams and rivers line the lowlands . These waters have some of the highest tides in the world . Near Seoul , the water level varies about 9 meters ( 30 ft ) Thats enough to cover a three-story house built too close to the water.Most of South Koreas rural population lives in the coastal and inland plains regions.The plains provide fertile farmland for growing foods like rice , fruits , and vegetables.South Korea has four seasons . Temperatures average-6℃ ( 21℉) in winter . In summer , thehighs are 27-32℃ ( 80-90 ℉) . Summer also brings the rainy Season , when the country gets more than half of its rainfall each year . During this season , South Korea is sometimes hit by dangerous storms . Heavy flooding is common.土地丘陵和山脉覆盖了韩国的大部分地区。仅有一小部分土地足够平坦,能够耕种。泰贝克山脉沿东海岸延伸。其他几座山脉大致向东延伸。大部分山脉的高度不到1219米(4000英尺)。最高峰是火山哈拉山,海拔1950米(6398英尺)。韩国东部海岸线相当笔直。然而,其海岸线的其余部分是破碎的河流和溪流。它们形成为了无数的水道,持有3500多个小岛。溪流和河流沿着低地摆列。这些水域的潮汐是世界上最高的。在首尔周边,水位变化约9米(30英尺)。这足以覆盖一栋离水太近的三层房子。韩国大部分农村人口生活在沿海和内陆平原地区。平原为种植水稻、果蔬和蔬菜等食品供给了肥沃的农田。韩国有四季。平均温度-6℃(21℉) 在冬天。夏季最高气温为27-32℃(80-90℉) . 夏天带来了雨季,这个国家每年的降雨量超过一半。在这个季节,韩国有时会遭受危险的风暴袭击。洪水泛滥很平常HistoryNorth and South Korea together are an ancient area with more than two thousan years of recorded history . People have lived in the area for at least ten thousand years . Its location kept it away from the rest of the world for hundreds of years . The result was a people with a common way of life , language , and political system .Over many centuries , kingdoms rose to take control of the land . Korea was also controlled by China , the Mongolian Empire and Japan. In 1905 , Japan forced Korea to become Japanese land . Five years later , Japan made Korea a Japanese colony . Korea remained under Japanese control until Japans surrender at the end of World War II .The United Nations planned to return Korea to self-government at the end of World War IL . During that period , the United States was put in charge of the southern half of the Korean peninsula . A country called the Soviet Union was put in charge of the northern half.历史朝鲜和韩国是一个古老的地区,有两千数年的历史记录。人们在这个地区已然生活了最少一万年。它的位置使它与世界其他地区隔绝了数百年。结果是一个持有一起生活方式、语言和政治制度的民族。几个世纪败兴,王国崛起,掌控了这片土地。朝鲜被中国、蒙古帝国和日本掌控。1905年,日本强迫朝鲜作为日本领土。五年后,日本使韩国作为日本的殖民地。朝鲜始终处在日本的掌控之下,直到日本在第二次世界大战结束时投降。联合国计划在第二次世界大战结束后让朝鲜恢复自治。这里时期,美国负责朝鲜半岛的南半部。一个叫苏联的国家被任命为北半部的负责人。However , the nations leaders couldnt agree how to set up Koreas new government . The United Nations ordered democratic elections which South Korea held . North Korea set up a kind of government that was less free. In 1948 , the United Nations official recognized South Koreas government as the government in North and South Korea . Two years later , North Korea moved into South Korea to try to bring the divided nation together by force . This started the Korean War , which cost 2.5 million lives and nearly destroyed both countries.The war ended in 1953 with a cease-fire agreement . This left North and South Korea separated by a strip of land 4 kilometers( 2.5 mi ) wide .Officially , the two countries are still at war . Although they agreed to a cease -fire , they never agreed to peace.然而,两国领导人没法怎样组建韩国新政府达成一致。联合国下令韩国举行民主选举。朝鲜创立了一个不那样自由的政府。1948年,联合国官员承认韩国政府为南北韩政府。两年后,朝鲜进入韩国,试图经过武力将这个分裂的国家团结起来。这诱发了朝鲜战争,这场战争夺去了250万人的生命,几乎摧毁了两国。1953年,战争以停火协议结束。这使得朝鲜和韩国被一片4千米(2.5英里)宽的狭长地带隔开。官方叫作,两国仍处在战争状态。尽管她们同意停火,但从未同意和平。CelebrationsUntil the mid-twentieth century , South Korea was primarily a nation of farmers . As a result , many of its important holidays are linked to the moon calendar , New Years Day , called Seollal ( sahl-lahl ) , is the most important of these festivals . On this holiday ,South Koreans celebrate everyone becoming one year older with food , gifts , games , and fortune-telling.A harvest festival called Chuseok is another important holiday . Families visit and clean their relatives graves and leave food offering :to show their respect. On a babys first birthday , the parents place objects in front of the baby and let the baby choose his or her favorite . If the baby picksup a book , he or she will be smart.Picking up money means the baby will be wealthy.FoodKorean food is often spicy. Kimchi , a food a little like spicy sauerkraut , and rice are served at nearly every meal . Fish , seafood and pounded rice cakes , called fteo ( DAWK ) ,are also important parts of Korean meal.Some South Koreans have an old saying"Food is the best medicine " They believe that both health and sickness come from the food they eat . Another old belief is that some foods have mystical powers . For example , sweet red beans and rice porridge are supposed to chase off evil spirits and give long life .庆祝活动直到二十世纪中叶,韩国重点是一个农民国家。因此呢,它的许多重要节日都与农历相关,元旦被叫作为Seollal(sahl-lahl),是这些节日中最重要的一个。在这个节日里,韩国人用食品、礼物、游戏和算命来庆祝每一个人变老一岁。另一个重要的节日是名为中秋节的丰收节。各家各户都会去扫墓,为亲人扫墓,并留下食品:以示尊重。在婴儿一岁生日时,父母会在婴儿面前安置物品,让婴儿选取他或她最爱好的。倘若婴儿捡到一本书,他或她会很聪明。捡钱寓意着婴儿会很富有。食品韩国菜一般很辣。泡菜,一种有点像辣酸菜的食品,几乎每顿饭都有米饭。鱼、海鲜和捣碎的年糕,叫作为fteo(DAWK),是韩国膳食的重要构成部分。有些韩国人有一句老话“食品是最好的药”。她们认为健康和疾患都来自于她们吃的食品。另一个古老的观点是,有些食品拥有奥秘的力量。例如,甜红豆和米粥被认为能够驱邪长寿。ConclusionOver the centuries , the people of South Korea have grown strong by working hard and showing respect for their families and for each other . This way of life has helped South Koreans win wars and stay strong during hard times , South Korea has become a modern world power-a country and people with a bright future.Population : 49 , 115 , 196Land : 99,720 sq km ( 38 , 502 sq mi . )Capital City : SeoulPrimary Language : KoreanPrimary Religions : Christianity . BuddhistName of Currency : Won结论几个世纪败兴,韩国人民经过奋斗工作和对家人和彼此的尊重而变得强大。这种生活方式帮忙韩国人赢得了战争,在困难时期保持了强大,韩国已然作为一个现代世界大国,一个有着光明将来的国家和人民。人口:491115196土地:99720平方千米(38502平方英里)首都:首尔重点语言:韩语重点宗教:基督教。佛教徒货币名叫作:韩元WritingResearch to learn more about a South Korean celebration . How does it compare to a celebration from a different country ? Writean essay explaining the similaritiess and differences. Social Studies and ArtMake a map of South Korea showing the different geographic areas . Labelat least five important landforms.写作科研认识更加多关于韩国庆典的信息。与来自区别国家的庆祝活动相比怎样?写一篇文案解释类似之处和区别之处。社会科研与艺术制作一张韩国地图,表示区别的地理区域。标记最少五个重要地貌。





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