点击关注 每日更新飘Chapter 31,Part 18抱歉各位宝,31章应该在“chapter31,part10”结束,但号主忘记修改标题,接着按“chapter31,part11”的次序继续往后搬运了(哭),抱歉各位!!!自“chapter31,part11”迄今都是32章的内容。鉴于32章火速结束,咱们决定还是将错就错,搬完32章后再改标题。表现在合集目录中会显现“31后直接33”的状况。宝们在合集中找不到“chapter32”的内容亦不必紧张哈!内容没少!都在chapter31里!都怪号主忘记改标题啦!(本声明会从这次始终连续到33章part01)以下是正文:“But I’ll be at Aunt Pittypat’s,” Scarlett offered frantically.“可我要住在佩蒂帕特姑妈家的。”斯佳丽心情激动地说。 “Miss Pittypat a fine woman an’ she think she see eve’ything but she doan,” said Mammy, and turning with the majestic air of having closed the interview, she went into the hall. The boards trembled as she called:“佩蒂帕特小姐是个好女性,她自以为何都懂,可她什么都不懂。”黑妈妈说完转身就走,威风凛凛地结束谈话,径自走进走廊。她大声喊叫,走廊里的地板、墙板却都震动了。“Prissy, child! Fly up de stairs an’ fotch Miss Scarlett’s pattun box frum de attic an’ try an’ fine de scissors without takin’ all night ‘bout it.”“普莉西,小鬼!快上阁楼去,把斯佳丽小姐的衣裳纸样盒取来,再找把好剪刀来。你别给我磨蹭上老半天!”“This is a fine mess,” thought Scarlett dejectedly. “I’d as soon have a bloodhound after me.”“这下事情闹大了。”斯佳丽自忖道,觉得丧气,“便是身后跟上条大猎犬亦比这强哪。”After supper had been cleared away, Scarlett and Mammy spread patterns on the dining-room table while Suellen and Carreen busily ripped satin linings from curtains and Melanie brushed the velvet with a clean hairbrush to remove the dust. Gerald, Will and Ashley sat about the room smoking, smiling at the feminine tumult. A feeling of pleasurable excitement which seemed to emanate from Scarlett was on them all, an excitement they could not understand.晚饭过后,斯佳丽和黑妈妈在收拾过的餐桌上摊开纸样,苏埃伦和卡丽恩忙着拆窗帘上的缎子衬里,玫兰妮用一把毛刷清理天鹅绒上的灰尘。杰拉尔德、威尔和阿希礼坐在屋子里抽烟,望着一屋子女性忙乱的样子,觉得好笑。斯佳丽的兴奋心情感染了大众,可大众都不懂为何要这么兴奋。There was color in Scarlett’s face and a bright hard glitter in her eyes and she laughed a good deal. Her laughter pleased them all, for it had been months since they had heard her really laugh. Especially did it please Gerald. His eyes were less vague than-usual as they followed her swishing figure about the room and he patted her approvingly whenever she was within reach. The girls were as excited as if preparing for a ball and they ripped and cut and basted as if making a ball dress of their own.斯佳丽脸色红润,两眼熠熠放光,还持续发出笑声。听到她的笑声,大众都高兴,由于她们已然有好几个月没听见她大声笑过了。杰拉尔德的眼睛亦不像平时那样痴傻,他看着女儿在屋里走动,听着她衣裙窸窣,尤其觉得快活。只要斯佳丽步行到杰拉尔德跟前,他总要满意地拍拍她。另一两个女儿亦兴致勃勃,仿佛在为舞会做准备。她们又是撕,又是剪,又是剥衬里,仿佛在为自己做参加舞会的裙子。Scarlett was going to Atlanta to borrow money or to mortgage Tara if necessary. But what was a mortgage, after all? Scarlett said they could easily pay it off out of next year’s cotton and have money left over, and she said it with such finality they did not think to question. And when they asked who was going to lend the money she said: “Layovers catch meddlers,” so archly they all laughed and teased her about her millionaire friend.斯佳丽要去亚特兰大借钱,倘若有必要,她可能要抵押塔拉借钱。但抵押到底是怎么回事呢?斯佳丽说,等到明年收了棉花,她们轻而易举就能把塔拉赎回来,况且钱还绰绰有余。她说得斩钉截铁,大众都觉得无疑问。大众问她打算向谁借钱,她说:“沉住气的有肉,管闲事的没汤。”话说得太调皮了,大众都放声大笑,还逗乐说,她有个百万富翁伴侣。“It must be Captain Rhett Butler,” said Melanie slyly and they exploded with mirth at this absurdity, knowing how Scarlett hated him and never failed to refer to him as “that skunk, Rhett Butler.”“我猜准是瑞特·巴特勒船长。”玫兰妮狡黠地说。大众听了哄堂大笑,觉得荒唐,由于大众都晓得斯佳丽恨这个瑞特·巴特勒,她每次提起他的名字,都免不了咬牙切齿地叫他“瑞特·巴特勒那个流氓”。 But Scarlett did not laugh at this and Ashley, who had laughed, stopped abruptly as he saw Mammy shoot a quick, guarded glance at Scarlett.斯佳丽听了却没笑。阿希礼刚才亦笑了,可他看见黑妈妈朝斯佳丽投去匆匆一瞥,眼神里藏着警觉,他忽然打住不笑了。Suellen, moved to generosity by the party spirit of the occasion, produced her Irish-lace collar, somewhat worn but still pretty, and Carreen insisted that Scarlett wear her slippers to Atlanta, for they were in better condition than any others at Tara. Melanie begged Mammy to leave her enough velvet scraps to recover the frame of her battered bonnet and brought shouts of laughter when she said the old rooster was going to part with his gorgeous bronze and green-black tail feathers unless he took to the swamp immediately.苏埃伦让聚会气氛感染了,慷慨贡献出她那条镶着爱尔兰花边的领子,这件宝贝稍有点儿旧,却仍然美丽。卡丽恩亦执意要斯佳丽穿她的鞋去亚特兰大,在塔拉庄园,这双鞋比任何人的鞋都好。玫兰妮哀告黑妈妈给她留点儿天鹅绒布头,让她给遮阳帽换个面,还指着帽子开玩笑说,要是这只老公鸡不赶紧钻进泥沼里,它的古铜和墨绿相间的美丽尾羽就要从身上掉下来了。大众一听立刻捧腹大笑。Scarlett, watching the flying fingers, heard the laughter and looked at them all with concealed bitterness and contempt.斯佳丽看着大众手忙脚乱地干活儿,听着大众的欢声笑语,亦就把满腹伤心事和对她们的轻蔑都藏进了心底。“They haven’t an idea what is really happening to me or to themselves or to the South. They still think, in spite of everything, that nothing really dreadful can happen to any of them because they are who they are, O’Haras, Wilkeses, Hamiltons. Even the darkies feel that way. Oh, they’re all fools! They’ll never realize! They’ll go right on thinking and living as they always have, and nothing will change them.“她们都不晓得我正遭遇到什么事,亦不晓得她们自己和全部南方要出现什么事。已然沦落到这步田地了,她们还以为没什么大不了的,就由于她们姓奥哈拉、韦尔克斯、汉密尔顿,她们脑袋上就不会降临什么可怕的劫难。就连这儿的黑人亦是这想法。唉,全部一群傻瓜!永远亦清醒不外来!她们还是过去的老脑筋,还是过去的生活习惯,怎么亦不转变。Melly can dress in rags and pick cotton and even help me murder a man but it doesn’t change her. She’s still the shy well-bred Mrs. Wilkes, the perfect lady! And Ashley can see death and war and be wounded and lie in jail and come home to less than nothing and still be the same gentleman he was when he had all Twelve Oaks behind him. Will is different. He knows how things really are but then Will never had anything much to lose. And as for Suellen and Carreen — they think all this is just a temporary matter.玫荔倒是穿得破破烂烂,下田摘棉花,还帮我杀人,可她还是改不了老做派,还是那个羞答答、有教养的韦尔克斯太太,还是那位十全十美的淑女!阿希礼倒是目睹了战争和死亡,受伤后还住过战俘营,可他回到几乎一贫如洗的家里,却还是那副绅士派头,跟他持有十二橡树庄园时毫无二致。威尔却区别。他认识真实处境,可他亦绝不会有什么损失。至于苏埃伦和卡丽恩,这姐妹俩以为眼前的一切不外是暂时的。They don’t change to meet changed conditions because they think it’ll all be over soon. They think God is going to work a miracle especially for their benefit. But He won’t. The only miracle that’s going to be worked around here is the one I’m going to work on Rhett Butler. ... They won’t change. Maybe they can’t change. I’m the only one who’s changed — and I wouldn’t have changed if I could have helped it.”这些人都不愿改变自己去顺应环境,以为用不了多久,一切都会过去,以为上帝会尤其为她们创造奇迹,可上帝不会这么做的。这儿独一可能出现的奇迹得由我利用瑞特·巴特勒来创造……她们不会改变。大概她们亦不可改变。仅有我改变了……要是行得通,我亦宁愿不改变。”点击文案上方蓝色“乱世佳人”标签进入合集,可从头观看 英语能力+1
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