根据用户心理的区别,咱们能够把电子邮件分为:❤acquisition emails(获取用户);(能够结合用户运营的模型,拉新-促活-留存-转化-复购,跟下面的邮件方式是有一一对应的)。❤welcome (欢迎用户)emails❤平常发布的邮件:思虑用户、转化用户、复购用户都会触及❤促销邮件:转化❤Retention e-mail :留存1、acquisition emails用户是不晓得自己品牌的,因此需要吸引用户的重视力供给教程或指南:例如,一家社交媒身体容编辑机构经过供给怎样制作吸引人的社交媒介视频的教程,立即给予潜在客户新的价值。运用季节性和心情化的主题:经过详细细节展示怎样利用这些元素来创建更具吸引力的内容。双关语和活泼的语言:如运用“Spring into action with video”这般的双关语,既指季节的更新,亦鼓励快速行动。互动性:一家打扮品机构经过互动电子邮件邀请客户按照自己的护肤需要匹配制品,供给个性化的体验。清晰的号召性用语:在邮件中运用清晰的CTA(Call To Action),如页面顶部的折扣横幅和每一个制品下方的“立即购买”按钮。主题行的创意:“咱们被问到的最多的问题”做为主题行,激发好奇心,促进收件人打开邮件。2、welcome emails欢迎电子邮件是您与新客户或订阅者的初次接触。就像您在家中迎接客人或在工作场所主持会议同样,您期盼给她们留下良好的第1印象。在电子邮件营销中,这一样重要。(客人来了,让她们在舒服的沙发上坐着,并且拿出果蔬和饮料请客人喝)。营销漏斗中的思虑周期欢迎电子邮件位置于营销漏斗的思虑周期。此时,用户已然选取订阅您的营销邮件,显示她们对您的业务感兴趣并期盼认识更加多信息。机构一般会发送欢迎电子邮件来:感谢首次订阅者或购买制品的客户。鼓励下载应用程序后首次运用。经过包括折扣码来鼓励购买。3、平常发布的邮件您机构是不是有重大资讯。您是不是推出了新的制品或服务?您机构是不是有新的更新,您的订阅者会想晓得?这些事情,客户关心的是什么?用什么样的方式呈现显现才好?
ubject lineA subject lineis the first text recipients see after your name when an email reaches their inbox.The subject line is your subscribers’ first impression of the email, so it’s important to make it compelling.When you write your subject line:Keep it brief.Your subject line should be about 6-10 words total. If it’s too long, it may be cut off from being viewed entirely by your subscribers.Pique readers’ curiosity. Write a subject line that makes readers interested in the content of your email. If you’re sending emails to a list of people who added items to their cart but abandoned it at some point during the checkout process, you might include a subject line like: “These items are too good to leave in your cart.”If you’re offering something, be clear about it. Whether it’s an experience, a new piece of information, a discount, or something else, make sure subscribers know there is a benefit to opening your email.Consider personalizing it. If you use an email marketing tool, you will have the capability to personalize emails by using first names. This is a great way for subscribers to feel like you’re talking to them specifically. Depending on which tool you use, the way you do this will be a little bit different, so read up on your specific tool.When writing your body:Maintain a second person perspective. This means you will always want to write your emails as though you are speaking to your subscribers. You want the email to seem personal and specifically crafted for your readers. Second person—also referred to as “you” language—helps create a sense that the writer is talking directly to you, the reader. This makes readers feel engaged and involved. A phrase like “Here’s a discount for you,” is more powerful than “Here’s a discount for our readers.”When possible, break up blocks of text with white space.You don’t want your email to seem overwhelming to the reader, so be brief and include visual breaks in between your text.Include a compelling call to action.Your readers are more likely to do what you ask of them if you ask them clearly. If you want them to buy an item, encourage them to do exactly that. Sometimes, emails will have several calls to action—especially in newsletters, where several products, services, or links are likely being shared.4、促销邮件应该集中在促销本身,而不是制品特性或细节。5、留存邮件留存电子邮件是维系客户关系的关键。它们应该包括以下要素:个性化:认识并按照客户的特性定制邮件内容。知道的行动号召:直接告诉客户你期盼她们采取的下一步行动。富有同情心和邀请性的语言:让客户感到被注重和欢迎。
上一篇:Google数字营销怎么做?制胜要点咱们整理好了!下一篇:谷歌地图相关奥秘项目揭发:一年赚7亿 特斯拉是客户