The use of the Blue Angel by theapplicant is governed by a contract on the use of theenvironmental label concluded with RAL gGmbH. This also regulates the type ofuse and also the period of validity. In terms of the use of the environmentallabel in advertising or for other measures taken by the applicant, they arerequired to ensure, for example, that the environmental label is only used incombination with the product which has been certified with the Blue Angelecolabel.
申请人运用蓝天使应遵守与RAL gGmbH签定的运用环境标签的合同。这亦规定了运用的类型以及有效期。就在宣传中运用环境标签或申请人采取的其他办法而言,她们必要保证,例如,环保标签仅用于与已得到蓝天使生态标签认证的制品结合运用。
From the 01/01/2018the new BLAUER ENGELlogo will be launched. All questions about the use of the new logo areclarified in the BLUE ANGEL LogoGuidelines. For information about changing from the old to the newlogo please refer to theFAQs.All public relations measures and campaigns for the BLUE ANGEL will bear thenew logo from 01/01/2018 onwards.
The most important advantages of using the Blue Angel logo are as follows:
Aclear and unambiguous message
The use of the BLUE ANGEL logo on your products acts as a clear and reliabledistinguishing feature that provides concrete information and marketing value.By using the BLUE ANGEL logo, you indicate to your customers, employees andother parties that you use natural resources in a responsible way and considerenvironmental and health protection a particularly important factor.
Increasethe level of awareness and brand value
The BLUE ANGEL is Germany‘s best known and the world‘s first environmentallabel.
You can thus benefit from the clear competitive advantages and added level oftrust that this environmental label enjoys in the economy and amongstconsumers. The label‘s credibility and competence, its objective criteria, itsinstitutionalised award process and governmental links increase your corporateand brand value.
Guidancewhen making purchasing decisions
The market for certified products is growing because consumers place importanceon
responsibly produced products and services when making their purchasingdecisions.
The BLUE ANGEL is the dependable guide that provides reliable assistance formaking ecologically sound purchasing decisions. This is because the BLUE ANGELguarantees that a product or service meets high standards when it comes to itsenvironmental, health and performance characteristics.