空头支票指的是因为无足够的银行存款或存款账户已结清而被银行拒付的支票,英语中可用Bad check/rubber check/bounced check来暗示。投资百科中对其定义如下:
“Rubber check is a colloquial term used to describe a written check that does not have the funds available to be cashed by the recipient. It is also commonly known as a bounced check.”
在美国,无意开出没法兑付(原由于资金不足insufficient funds或停止支付通告单a stop-payment order )的空头支票不属于犯罪,然则亦会产生罚款,例如一般由银行收取的透支费(overdraft fees),但银行亦出台了有些透支守护政策,使得不小心开出空头支票的人无需就此支付花费。在有些状况下,空头支票的接收方(receipt)会对开票方(sender)索取罚金或需求其支付利息,这种状况出现的前提通常是双方之间存在某种先前的合同关系(Pre-existing contractual relationship)。
虽然通常来讲无意中开出的空头支票不受法律处罚,但故意或多次开空头发票的行径(wilful or repeat offenders)则是会受到法律处罚的。银行和其他金融服务供给商能够经过有些数据库监控某个人或机构开空头支票的频率,频率越高,这种支票被拒绝的可能性就越大,同期,亦有可能会被视为诈骗fraud,受到法律的处罚,这种开空头支票的行径亦叫check kiting (Check kiting is a form of fraud involving the sloshing of theoretical funds between two bank checking accounts. A check written to the criminal from one bank is deposited, and more importantly credited, to an account at a second bank. Because that second bank now shows a positive balance, the criminal can withdraw enough money to deposit back into the first bank before the check bounces for lack of funds.)
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