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Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?

二. 语言功能:

talk about abilities 谈话能力

三. 目的语言:

1. Can you dance?

Yes, I can.

No, I can’t.

2. What can you do?

I can play the guitar.

3. What club do you want to join?

I want to join the music club.

四. 重点单词和词组

1. join v. 参加,加入 它是短暂性动词,不可和一段时间连用。后加组织名叫作或人叫作代词

join the army /Party/ footballteam


He wants to join the musicclub.


She joins us for dinner.


join in 参加,加入某种活动

May I join in yourconversation?


2. swim swimmer 游泳者

go swimming 去游泳

v. 游泳

Can you swim? 你会游泳吗?

n. 游泳 have a swim 游泳

Let’s have a swim. 让咱们去游泳吧。

3. dance v. 跳舞

Can you dance? 你会跳舞吗?

n. 舞蹈

What a beautiful dance. 多美的舞蹈。

4. musician 音乐家 music 音乐

He is my favorite musician. 他是我最爱好的音乐家。

5. show n. 演出,表演

School Show 学校演出

TV show 电视节目

talk show 谈话节目

talent show 才艺表演

on show 正在展出

All the paintings are on showin the museum. 所有的画都在博物馆展出。

v. 出示,展示

Please show your ID card.


show sb. sth. =show sth. to sb.

I’ll show you my new drum.


6. draw, paint 画

draw 用铅笔、钢笔、蜡笔等素描或绘画

paint 运用绘画颜料

7. little

(1)adj. 作定语,小的,少的

my little cat 我的小猫 a little bird 小鸟

My little daughter is only tenmonths old.



There’s little water in thebottle.


I have little time for reading.


(3)a little 修饰不可数名词,少量的,少许,表肯定道理

I need a little help. 我需要一点帮忙

There’s a little milk in theglass. 杯子里有点牛奶。

(4)a little 用作副词,有些,有几分。

I’m a little tired. 我有点累了。

8. speak English 讲英语

9. play the guitar 弹吉他 play the drums 敲鼓 play the violin 拉小提琴

play the trumpet 吹喇叭 play chess 下棋

10. wanted for 多用于宣传……招收,需要…… for 后跟招收单位或组织,活动

wanted 前写招收的对象

Actors wanted for School Day. 校庆招收演员。

11. rock band 摇滚乐队

12. join the music club 加入音乐俱乐部

13. e-mail address 电子邮件位置

五. 重点句型:

1. What club do you want to join? 你想加入什么俱乐部?

what+n 什么……

What time is it now? 此刻几点了。

What color do you like? 你爱好什么颜色?

What kind of car do you want tobuy? 你想买什么样的车?

What sports do you like? 你爱好什么运动?

2. Are you good with kids? 你与孩儿们相处得好吗?

(1)be good with =be friendlywith 与……相处得得好。

He’s good with me. 他和我相处得很好。

be good to 对某人友好

My teacher is good to us all. 我的老师对咱们都很友好。

be good at 善于……

He is good at math. 他善于数学。

I am good at swimming. 我善于游泳。

(2)good adj. 用来修饰名词或作表语。

well adv. 用来修饰动词或形容词。

He is a good student. 他是一个好学生。

He can’t play the guitar well. 他弹欠好吉他。

3. Can you help kids with swimming? 你能帮孩儿们学游泳吗?

help sb. with sth. 帮忙某人某事

Tom often helps me with myEnglish. 汤姆常帮我学习英语。

help sb. (to) do sth. 帮忙某人做某事

Maria often helps her mother dothe housework.


4. Why do you want to join the club? 你为何想加入这个俱乐部?

why 为何 常回答用because 引导的句子

—Whydo you want to join the music club? 你为何想加入音乐俱乐部?

—Because Ilike music. 由于爱好音乐。

5. Then you can be in our school musicfestival. 那样能够参加我校的音乐节。

in 作为……的成员,参加be in =join

—Whichsport are you in today? 你今天参加哪项运动?

—Long jump. 跳远。

6. May I know your name? 我能够晓得你的名字吗?

六. 语法要点:





(4)情态动词后(除ought to)接动词原形。

英文中的情态动词有can,could, may, might, must, need, dare, ought等。

can 的用法

1. 暗示能力

She can sing that song inEnglish. 她能用英文唱那首歌。

I can make dumplings. 我会包饺子。

2. 暗示请求或许可。

Can you help me? 你能帮帮我吗?

Can I see your ID card? 我能瞧瞧你的身份证吗?

3. 用于否定句或疑问句,暗示推测或可能性。

Today is Sunday. He can’t be atschool. 今天是星期日,他不会在学校。

Can this blue sweater be WangLin’s? 这件蓝色毛衣可能是王琳的吗?

情态动词can的肯定句变否定句在can 后加not,can’t

I can speak English. →I can’t speak English.

can 放于句首,形成通常疑问句。若问句询问能力,能够回答:

Yes, … can. 或No, … can’t.

Can she dance? Yes, she can. No, she can’t.

她会跳舞吗? 是的,她会。 不,她不会。

若是暗示请求的问句,咱们能够回答:OK./ All right. /Sorry, …

Can I use your pen? All right. Here you are. Sorry, but I don’t have one.

我能用你的钢笔吗? 好的,给你。 对不起,我

may 的用法


May I go now? 我能够走了吗?

May I watch TV after supper? 晚饭后我能够看电视吗?


He may be English. 他可能是英国人。

They may have a lot of work todo. 她们可能有非常多工作要做。


May you succeed! 祝你成功!


肯定回答:Yes, you may /can.

否定回答:No, you can’t/ mustn’t.

May I come in?

Yes, you can/ may.


May I come in?

Yes, please./Certainly. /Sure.


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