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Updated news of world science167

Selected from NatureandScience




日期 2024517


1.Hello Nature readers,

Today, we discover a major milestone toward a quantum internet, find out how lizard-inspired buildings could save lives and explore what happens when we lose ournativelanguage.

A network of quantum-entangled photons or atoms could eventually create a large, powerful quantum computer from separate machines.(Marieke de Lorijn for QuTech)



量子纠缠的光子或原子网络最后能够经过单独的设备创建一个大型、强大的量子计算机。 QuTech Marieke de Lorijn

2.Quantum internetdemo in three cities

Three research teams were each able tocreate quantum-entangled states over several kilometres of existing optical fibres in real urban areas. Entanglement is when two or more objects are linked so that they contain the same information even when they are far apart. The experiments, says physicist Tracy Northup, arethe most advanced demonstrations so farof a prototype quantum internet, which could exchange information with almost unbreakable encryption. The step has now really been made out of the lab and into the field,says physicist Ronald Hanson. It doesnt mean its commercially useful yet, but its a big step.


三个科研小组各自能够在真实城市地区的数千米现有光纤上创建量子纠缠态。纠缠指的是两个或多个对象相互链接,即使它们相距很远,它们包括相同的信息。理学学家特雷西·诺瑟普暗示,这些实验是“迄今为止最先进的演示”“量子互联网”原型,它能够经过几乎牢不可破的加密来交换信息。理学学家罗纳德·汉森 (Ronald Hanson) 表示:“这一过程此刻已然真正走出实验室,进入现场。” “这并不寓意着它拥有商场用途,但这是迈出的一大步。”

3.Next-gen obesity drug packs double punch

Animal experiments have shown thatcombining a gut-hormone mimic such as semaglutide with another molecule is safe and leads to similar weight loss compared with semaglutide alone. The added molecule targets a brain-cell receptor that was linked to obesity in 2015. Fusing the molecule to a gut-hormone-mimicking peptide sidesteps the harmful side effects that usually come from blocking this receptor. The combination let the mice that had reached a weight-loss plateau with semaglutide reduce their weight further.Very high marks for the noveltyof the research, says endocrinologist Daniel Drucker. Lets hope that well see some proof of concept in the clinic.


动物实验显示,将肠激素模拟物(例如索马鲁肽)与另一种分子结合是安全的,并且与单独运用索马鲁肽相比,能够产生类似的体重减轻效果。添加的分子针对的是 2015 年与肥壮关联的脑细胞受体。将该分子与肠激素模拟肽融合能够避免一般因阻断该受体而产生的有害副功效。这种组合让运用索马鲁肽达到瘦身平台的小鼠体重进一步减轻。内分泌学家丹尼尔·德鲁克(Daniel Drucker暗示,这项科研的“新颖性给予了很高的评估”。 “期盼咱们能在诊所看到有些概念证明。”

4.Lizard-inspired buildings crumble safely

A building inspired by how some lizards shed defined tail segments to escape predators could save lives by isolating collapsing sections when its damaged. Current designs redistribute local failures to the rest of a structure through greater connectivitybut this can backfire when collapsed parts pull down the rest. Researchers built a two-story building to show thatpartial-strength connections between load-bearing columns can stop a collapse from propagating through the entire structure. The design uses common construction methods and materials, and would even meet existing building codes.


一座建筑的灵感来自于有些蜥蜴怎样脱落知道的尾部以逃避捕食者,它能够经过在受损时隔离倒塌的部分来拯救生命。当前的设计经过更大的连接性将局部故障重新分配到结构的其余部分 - 但当倒塌的部件拉倒其余部分时,这可能会适得其反。科研人员建造了一座两层建筑,以证明承重柱之间的部分强度连接能够阻止倒塌蔓延到全部结构。该设计采用常见的施工办法和材料,乃至符合现有的建筑规范。

5.Dont get scammed by predatory publishers

In the latestNature Careers advice column, a microbial ecologist writes to say they received a flattering invitation from an unknown publisher. Should they consider it? Two scientists offer advice on how to check whether a publication is legitimate.



6.Forests are for people too

Rich countriesfixation onforests as climate offsets has resulted in the needs of people who depend on forests being ignored, argues a Nature editorial. More than 60% of the forested areas of developing countries provide carbon credits to high-income countries, with little impact on the economic well-being of forest communities. A new review shows that the forestry social science literature is dominated by these climate-mitigation interests. Scientists should consider research that aims to benefit all forest stakeholders, the editorial says.



7.Can you lose your native language?

Linguists are re-examining the idea that people are shaped by a single,nativelanguage. There is no age at which a language, even a native tongue, is so firmly cemented into the brain that it cant be dislodged or altered by a new one,notes linguist Julie Sedivy.Language attrition can be the result of several tongues vying for attention and can be tied up with the emotional values attached to a language.I was physically unable to speak German,a Jewish woman who emigrated before the Second World War told linguist Monika Schmid, who found that émigrés who had experienced more of the Nazi regime had a weaker relationship to their native German.


语言学家正在重新审视人们是由于单一“母语”语言塑造的这一观点。语言学家朱莉·塞迪维(Julie Sedivy)指出:“在任何年龄周期,一种语言,乃至是母语,都会如此牢靠地融入大脑,以至于法被新语言取代或改变。”语言磨损可能是多种语言争夺重视力的结果,并且可能与语言所附加的情感价值观相关。 “我身体上法说德语,”一位二战前移民的犹太女性告诉语言学家莫妮卡·施密德。施密德发掘,经历过更加多纳粹政权的移民与母语德国人的关系较弱。

8.The pancreas is full of precancerous lesions

The human pancreascontains hundreds of precancerous lesions, which can develop into cancer in a small proportion of people. In 46 samples of healthy pancreatic tissue, researchers identified multiple lesions with cancer-triggering KRAS-gene mutations. From this, they calculated that a human pancreas would contain hundreds of lesions.This high burden is particularly striking considering the relatively low incidence of pancreatic cancer, suggesting that individual [lesions] have extremely low risks of progression,write the researchers.


人类胰腺含有数百种癌前病变,少许人可发展为癌症。在 46 个健康胰腺组织样本中,科研人员发掘了多个拥有诱发癌症的KRAS 基因突变的病变。据此,她们计算出人类的胰腺将包括数百个病变。科研人员写道:“思虑到胰腺癌的发病率相对较低,这种高包袱尤其引人注目,这显示个体[病变]发展危害极低。”

9.Overstimulate cancer to kill it

Researchers have made colorectal cancermore vulnerable to a drug by sending it into overdrive. They used a drug called LB-100 to hyper-activate cancer-signalling pathways and create a stress response. Then they targeted the stress response using a second drug, the WEE1 inhibitor adavosertib. In mice with colorectal tumours, this combination of drugs suppressed the growth of tumours compared with control mice.Our data suggest that paradoxical activation of oncogenic signalling can result in tumour-suppressive resistance,write the researchers.


科研人员经过药品过度发挥功效,使结直肠癌更易受到药品的影响。她们运用一种名为 LB-100 药品来过度激活癌症信号通路并产生应激反应。而后他们运用第二种药品WEE1 控制adavosertib 来针对应激反应。在身患结直肠肿瘤的小鼠中,与对照小鼠相比,这种药品组合控制了肿瘤的生长。科研人员写道:“咱们的数据显示,致癌信号的矛盾激活可能会引起肿瘤控制耐药性。”

10.Mini-colonscontrolled with blue light

Bioengineered mini-colonsthatmodel the guts folded tissue and turn cancerous on command could reduce the need for animal experiments. Researchers used a scaffold to grow colon cells in an organised pattern that mirrored the architecture of a real colon. The cells were genetically engineered to express mutated forms of the genes Apc, Kras and Trp53 upon exposure to blue light and the drug doxycycline. This gave the researchers control over the timing and location of tumour development.Our study paves the way for cancer initiation research outside living organisms,write the researchers.


生物工程“迷你结肠”能够模拟肠道折叠组织并按照指令癌变,能够减少动物实验的必须科研人员运用支架以有组织的模式培养结肠细胞,该模式反映了真实结肠的结构。这些细胞经过基因工程改造,在暴露于蓝光和强力霉素药品后,表达 ApcKras Trp53 基因的突变形式。这使科研人员能够掌控肿瘤发展的时间和位置。科研人员写道:“咱们科研为活体生物体之外的癌症诱发科研铺平了道路。”

11.Why does everyone in my family get cancer?

In 1967, epidemiologist Frederick Li attended a dinner party that would change the course of his career. Someone brought up the case of the Kilius family in Baltimore, in which the young father and his infant son had both been diagnosed with unusual cancers. Li knew the odds of this happening by chance were astronomical, so he visited the family to find out more. Over five generations, 14 out of 35 family members had developed cancers and 10 had died young. Li and his colleague Joseph Fraumeni published their findings in 1969, but it wasnt until the 1990s thatthe underlying cause of Li-Fraumeni Syndrome was discovered: an inherited mutation in the p53 tumour-suppressor gene. Author Lawrence Ingrassia tells this story from a personal perspective in his new book, A Fatal Inheritance. Ingrassia is the only member of his family not to inherit the p53 gene.


1967 年,流行病学家 Frederick Li 参加了一场晚宴,这改变了他的职业生涯。有人提起巴尔的摩基利乌斯一家的案例,青年的父亲和他还在襁褓中的儿子都被诊断出身患不寻常的癌症。李晓得这种偶然出现的可能性是天文数字,因此呢他拜访了这家人以认识更加多信息。在五代人中,35 名家庭成员中有 14 病患癌症,其中 10 人英年早逝。 Li 和他的同事 Joseph Fraumeni 1969 发布她们发掘,但直到 20 世纪 90 年代,Li-Fraumeni 综合症基本原由才被发掘p53肿瘤控制基因的遗传突变。作者劳伦斯·英格拉西亚(Lawrence Ingrassia)在他的新书《致命的继承》中从个人方向讲述了这个故事。 Ingrassia是他的家族中独一遗传p53基因的成员。

12.Brain tumour missed more than 30 times

UK doctorsmisdiagnosed a childs brain tumour more than 30 times over three years. Eleven-year-old Tia Gordon first became ill in 2020. She was given painkillers and had her glasses prescription changed four times. Between November 2023 and January 2024, she vomited every day. Then, she started to have difficulty walking. A CT revealed a benign 3.5-cm brain tumour, and she underwent more than 10 hours of surgery to remove it. "Over more than three years, I took Tia to doctors, she was refused MRIs, she was refused to be seen by emergency paediatricsbut it took for her to be unable to walk for her to get the care she needed," her mother said.


英国大夫三年内误诊儿童脑肿瘤超过 30 次。 11 岁的蒂亚·戈登 (Tia Gordon) 2020 年首次患病。大夫给她开了止痛药,并更换了四次眼镜处方。 202311月至20241时期,她每日都呕吐。而后,她起始行走困难。CT检测表示有一个3.5厘米的良性脑肿瘤,她接受了10多个小时的手术将其切除。 “三年多来,我带蒂亚去看大夫,但她被拒绝接受核磁共振检测被拒绝接受儿科急诊......但直到她法行走后,她才得到所需的护理,”她的母亲说。

13.Infographic of the week

Tumour cells embark on a perilous journey when they spread from one part of the body to another. They often squeeze into a blood vessel filled with unfamiliar platelets and immune cells, and have seconds or minutes to establish a new life in a distant tissue before they die.The entire process is extremely inefficient and can occur over protracted timescales, yielding only a vanishingly small number of carcinoma cells that are able to complete all of the required steps,writes Arthur Lambert, the associate director of translational medicine at AstraZeneca, and his co-authors.See a larger version of this image here. (Nature Cell Biology | 29 min read) (Arthur W. Lambert et al/Nature Cell Biology)


当肿瘤细胞从身体的一个部位扩散到另一个部位时,它们就踏上了危险的旅程。它们一般会挤进充满陌生血小板和免疫细胞的血管中,并在死亡前有几秒钟或几分钟的时间在远处的组织中创立新的生命。阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)转化医学副专家阿瑟·兰伯特(Arthur Lambert)和他的团队写道:“全部过程效率极低,况且可能必须长期才可出现,只能产生极少许能够完成所有所需过程的癌细胞。”共同作者。请这里处查看该图像的放大版本。 (《自然细胞生物学》| 29 分钟阅读)(Arthur W. Lambert 等人/《自然细胞生物学》)

14.Newfound glitch in Einsteins relativity could rewrite the rules of the universe, study suggests

NewsByBen Turner published yesterday

Einsteins theory of general relativity is our best description of the universe at large scales, but a new observation that reports a "glitch" in gravity around ancient structures could force it to be modified.

An artists rending of the moment an observer crosses a black holes event horizon.(Image credit: NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center/J. Schnittman and B. Powell)

A strange "cosmic glitch" ingravity could explain the universes weird behavior on the largest scales, researchers suggest.

First formulated byAlbert Einstein in 1915, the theory of general relativity remains our best and most accurate understanding of how gravity works on medium to large scales.

Yet, zoom out even farther to view enormous groups of gravitationally bound galaxies interacting, and some inconsistencies appear to emerge. This suggests that gravity, which is theorized to be a constant across all times and scales, could actually become slightly weaker at cosmic distances.


资讯作者:Ben Turner昨天发布


艺术家描绘的观察者穿过黑洞事件视界那一刻的画面。 照片源自NASA 戈达德太空飞行中心/J. Schnittman B. Powell科研人员认为,引力中奇怪的“宇宙故障”能够解释宇宙在最大尺度上的怪异行径

广义相对论由阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 (Albert Einstein) 1915 年首次提出,迄今仍然是咱们对引力在中到大尺度上怎样发挥功效的最好、最准确的理解。


15.130,000-year-old Neanderthal-carved bear bone is symbolic art, study argues

NewsBySoumya Sagar published yesterday

The carved bear bone is one of the earliest human-made artifacts with "symbolic culture" unearthed in Europe.

Different views of a roughly 4-inches-long (10.6 centimeters) bear bone that has Neanderthal-made cut marks on it.(Image credit: T. Gąsior, Płonka et al; (CC BY-NC 4.0 DEED))

A nearly 130,000-year-old bear bone was deliberately marked with cuts and might be one of the oldest art pieces in Eurasia crafted by the Neanderthals, researchers say.

The roughly cylindrical bone, which is about 4 inches long (10.6 centimeters), is adorned with 17 irregularly spaced parallel cuts. A right-handed person most likely crafted the piece, probably in one sitting, a new study finds.

The carved bone is the oldest known symbolic art made byNeanderthals in Europe north of the Carpathian Mountains. It gives scientists a glimpse into the behavior, cognition and culture of modern humans long-dead cousins, who lived in Eurasia from about 400,000 to 40,000 years ago, when they disappeared.


资讯 Soumya Sagar 昨天颁布


大约 4 英寸长(10.6 厘米)的熊骨的不同视图,上面有尼安德特人制造的切割痕迹。 (照片源自T. GąsiorPłonka 等人;(CC BY-NC 4.0 DEED))

科研人员暗示一起 13 万年前的熊骨上刻意刻有切口,可能是尼安德特人在欧亚大陆制作的最古老的艺术品之一。

这块大致呈圆柱形的骨头长约 4 英寸(10.6 厘米),上面装饰着 17 个不规则间隔的平行切口。一项新的科研发掘,这件作品很可能是由于惯用右手的人一次性完成的。

骨头雕刻是喀尔巴阡山脉以北的欧洲尼安德特人制作的已知最古老的象征艺术。它让专家们得以一窥现代人类早已死去的表亲的行径、认知和文化,这些表亲在大约 40 万至4 万年前消失时生活在欧亚大陆。

16.CRISPR can treat common form of inherited blindness, early data hint

NewsBySneha Khedkar published yesterday

In a small trial, some people with inherited vision loss experienced improvements in their sight after being treated with CRISPR.

Surgeons at the OHSU Casey Eye Institute are shown here performing an in-body CRISPR gene editing procedure as part of a recent clinical trial.(Image credit: OHSU/Kristyna Wentz-Graff)

ACRISPR therapy injected directly into the eye shows promise in treating the most common form of inherited vision loss in children, an early trial suggests.

This form of vision loss, calledLeber congenital amaurosis (LCA), is often evident at birth and results from the dysfunction or death of light-sensing cells called photoreceptors in the retina, at the back of the eye. Such problems happen due to mutations in any of at least 20 genes.

Some of the most common causes of LCA are mutations in the gene that codes for centrosomal protein 290 (CEP290). More than three-quarters of the people with the disease carry a particular mutation that affects CEP290, which is crucial for photoreceptors to function properly.

初期数据提示 CRISPR 能够治疗平常的遗传性眼瞎

资讯作者 Sneha Khedkar 昨天发布

在一项小型实验中,有些身患遗传性视力丧失的人在接受 CRISPR 治疗后视力有所改善。

图中表示 OHSU 凯西眼研究究所的外科大夫正在执行身体 CRISPR 基因编辑程序,这是近期临床实验的一部分。 (照片源自OHSU/Kristyna Wentz-Graff

一项初期实验显示,直接注射到眼睛中的 CRISPR 疗法有望治疗儿童最平常的遗传性视力丧失。这种形式的视力丧失叫作为莱伯先天性黑蒙(LCA)一般在出生时就很显著,是因为眼睛后部视网膜中叫作为感光细胞的感光细胞功能阻碍或死亡导致的。此类问题的出现因为最少 20 个基因中的任何一个出现突变。

LCA 有些平常原由是编码中心体蛋白 290 (CEP290) 的基因突变。超过四分之三的病人携带一种影响CEP290 的特殊突变,而 CEP290 针对光感受器的正常运作至关要紧

17.32 scary parasitic diseases

CountdownsByKristen Fischer published yesterday

Parasites can cause a wide range of diseases in humans, ranging from short-term to lifelong.

(Image credit: TopMicrobialStock via Shutterstock)

Parasitic diseases, which are passed on to people via parasites found in contaminated food, water, soil or bugs that bite humans, can be relatively uncommon in some parts of the world. In other regions, though, they can be absolutely devastating. Some parasites can cause illnesses that are temporary, but some trigger lifelong medical problems.

Not all parasitic diseases are due to poor sanitation or poverty; you can be exposed to parasites regardless of your socioeconomic situation. Here are 32 parasites that can infect humans, including some well-known culprits and some you may not have heard of.




照片源自TopMicrobialStock,来自 Shutterstock


并非所有寄生虫病都是因为卫生前提差或贫困导致的;论您的社会经济情况怎样,您都可能接触寄生虫。这儿 32 能够感染人类的寄生虫,包含有些众所周知的罪魁祸首和有些您可能听说过的寄生虫。

18.Orcas have attacked and sunk another boat in Europeand experts warn there could be more attacks soon

NewsByHarry Baker published yesterday

A group of orcas known to attack boats in southwest Europe have sunk a 50-foot sailing yacht in the Strait of Gibraltar after ripping open its hull. It is the fifth time these killer whales have sent a ship to the seafloor in the last three years.

A subpopulation of orcas in southwest Europe have been aggressively attacking boats since 2020.(Image credit: Getty Images)

Orcas that have been terrorizing boats in southwest Europe have just sank their fifth yacht in three years. And experts have warned that more attacks are likely in the coming months after the orcas unexpectedly switched up their behavior earlier this year.

On Sunday (May 12), an unknown number oforcas (Orcinus orca) attacked the 49-foot-long (15 meters) sailing yacht named the Alboran Cognac in the Strait of Gibraltara narrow body of water between southern Spain and North Africa that separates the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. During the attack, which began at around 9 a.m. local time, the killer whales repeatedly rammed the boats hull and rudder, Reuters reported.

The yachts two-person crew radioed for help and was rescued by a passing oil tanker. But the vessels hull sustained serious damage during the attack and the yacht began to take on water, which eventually caused it to sink, Reuters reported.


哈里·贝克 (Harry Baker) 昨天颁布资讯

一群虎鲸在欧洲西南部袭击船只,在直布罗陀海峡撕开一艘 50 英尺长的帆船船体后将其击沉。这是过去三年来这些虎鲸第五次将船只送入海底。

2020 败兴,欧洲西南部的虎鲸亚群始终在积极攻击船只。(照片源自Getty Images


周日(5 12 日),数量不明的逆戟鲸 (Orcinus orca)在直布罗陀海峡袭击了一艘 49 英尺长(15 米)的名为 Alboran Cognac 的帆船,直布罗陀海峡是西班牙南部和北非之间的狭窄水域。分隔大西洋和地中海。据路透社报告,袭击于当地时间上午 9 上下起始,虎鲸多次撞击船体和船舵。



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